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Quick 'n' Quirky

Take a minute or two out of your busy day to check our some serious plant silliness!


The Plant Names Hall of Fame

Names can mean a lot... or not


Ya Heard it Through the Grape Vine

Gabby Grape dishes the garden gossip

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

~ William Shakespeare

Yeah... but would you really want me if everyone called me "letchberry"?

The Plant Names Hall of Fame

"Hello and welcome to this wacky place where names are not celebrated because they help us properly identify plants (Pshhh... why would anyone care about that?) but because sometimes they make us smile. 
I'm Lily, your tour guide, but you can call me Outhouse Lily. Yup!  Feel free to laugh- after all, I was named after a place where people poop. 
Are you done giggling? 
Good.  I'll continue: In our collection, you'll find plenty of names that make you laugh, sigh or simply go "hmmmmm...". To learn more about these plants, don't ask me (why would I know?). Instead, just click on the image. Enjoy!"

Yours Truly,

Hemerocallis fulva

Ya Heard it Through the Grape Vine

Coming Soon

Stay Tuned

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