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Writer's pictureLaura Crystal

I'm only square if you're talking about my stem


Given Name: Nepeta cataria

Nicknames: catmint, catnep, catrup, cat's-heal-all, catswort, field-balm, nep, nip

Family Name: Laminaceae (Mint)

It's almost summer and it's time to celebrate! Give me sun and average, well-drained soil and I'll get this party started!

Often you folks even help me get my party zone ready. Thanks a million for disturbing the soil to prep for a good time! That makes it easier for me to settle in and focus on decorations and food.

From early spring to late fall, I create a laid back, comfortable atmosphere with my downy grey/ green leaves. Each of my plants grows up to three feet tall and wide, giving my guests ample room to enjoy my hospitality. Then at some point from July to October, I add a bit of flare for a month or two with spikes of my small, irregular flowers. They're white but if you look closely, you can see small purple dots on them- pretty trippy, if you ask me!

I even get heaps of snacks ready for the crowd!

My blooms have loads of nectar for all the bee, butterfly, wasp and fly guests that always get keep my parties hoppin'. Then once the insect festivities die down, it's time to rock it with the birds. Birds, including gold finches, come for my seeds. Did I mention that I even have food for my caterpillar buddies? Caterpillars of the hermit sphinx moth and the false crocus geometer moth munch on my leaves. Just don't eat too much of me guys.

He he... sometimes those caterpillars overdo it and then the party has to stop.

But some bugs don't appreciate all the hard work I put into these parties. Aphids, squash bugs and others find me too stinky and they snub me. Well, that's their loss. We'll have a blast without them!

Yes, I said “we”. Of course you're invited! The more the merrier!

Come any time during my growing season and try my leaves on their own or add them to soups, stews, sauces, vegetables or pasta. They're flavour is sometimes described as musky mint or mildly skunky.

Now for those of you of the feline persuasion, I've got something extra special to offer.

Shhhh... don't talk about it too loudly- I have to keep it on the down low because it's rather, you know, intoxicating. It's a volatile oil called Nepetalactone. Sure it sounds shady but scientists say it's nonaddictive and harmless to cats. The smell of it will make you kitties rub yourselves on me, jump, roll around, vocalize and salivate. Sounds fun, eh? I know you want to try it. Come on, it only lasts about 10 minutes, then you sober up.

Okay, if my feline friends still aren't on board with my feel good effects, let me explain what happens inside your kitty bodies.

The smell of the volatile oil actually triggers a sexual response so cats are essentially reacting to an artificial pheromone. Now, I can't guarantee it'll work with all kitties: whether it works is hereditary and 70- 80% of cats are effected.

Sorry humans, your brains work differently and I can't get you high. But that doesn't mean I can't help people feel good. I can help you chill- if you drink me as a tea, I'm a mild sedative.

I probably should mention that I have a history of helping people and herbalists still use me for childhood colic, fevers, migraine headaches, cramps, gas, indigestion, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia.

But that stuff is just so boring. I'd rather be out there hanging with my peeps, my bugs and my birds!

You'll find me, and my good-times vibe, throughout most of the temperate world, even though I'm originally just from Eurasia. So come on out to one of my gatherings and see what all the buzz is about.

Party on,

Entertaining Catnip


How Does Catnip Work Its Magic on Cats? (2007, May 29). Scientific American.

Mahr, S. (n.d.). Catnip, Nepeta cateria. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Nepeta cataria (n.d.). NC State University Extension.

Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide: Catnip (Nepeta cataria)(n.d.). Ohio State University.


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Maya Chesne
Maya Chesne
Jun 23, 2021


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